The connected dot - Blending Tech and Tradition
At the intersection of age-old craftsmanship and modern innovation sits The Connected Dot. Tap the NFC tag found on each of our garments with a phone to get a seamlessly woven tale of tradition. This isn’t merely a tag; it’s a gateway, opening up the rich narrative behind each meticulously crafted piece.
Leading the Digital Frontier
Our proprietary supply chain technology, seamlessly integrated with our suppliers, doesn’t just track, but etches each garment’s unique digital fingerprint. It’s a pioneering approach that hasn’t gone unnoticed—the New York Times hailed us as “A Pioneer in Digital Labelling.”
Unlocking the Story
With just a tap of your phone, embark on a journey tracing back to the very origins of your garment. From the sheep that grazed the pastures to the artisans whose skilled hands crafted the piece, you get an immersive view of every stage that culminated in the creation in your hands.
A New Standard in Carbon Transparency
In a world increasingly aware of carbon footprints, we don’t just stop at storytelling. The Connected Dot allows you to delve deeper into the carbon impact at every stage of the garment’s journey. This commitment to transparency ensures that our sustainability claims aren’t just words—they’re backed by hard data.
Pledging Transparency
To us, transparency isn’t a fleeting trend but a steadfast commitment. We believe in equipping our consumers with complete knowledge about their purchase's journey. The Connected Dot stands as our unwavering promise, a testament to our dedication to clarity and authenticity.
Discover more
The Science Behind The Softness
The Science Behind The Softness
The Product Journey Unravelled
The Product Journey Unravelled
Designed for Everyday Luxury
Designed for Everyday Luxury
Crafted for Generational Wear
Crafted for Generational Wear