An update from Richard Subtil, owner of Omarama Station.
Omarama Station Seasonal Update
“We’re on the cusp of Summer now, we’ve had an amazing Spring. Looking around everything is greener than it ordinarily should be. So December January February are our Summer months and we will actually be making provision for the Winter. So surplus grass will be being harvested, so we can then feed the animals during the lower growth periods in Winter.
It’s a time when the young lambs that have only just been born now. They grow and become adults. During the middle of Summer we take the ewes into the mountains, their happy place, and we take the junior (the teenager if you like) into the peaches and crème country where it’s the good green grass on the irrigation which is that flusher feed that they need to make them the best adult they can be.
When we get into March April, the feed starts to slow down and we bring the ewes back down off the mountain. Then the whole cycle starts again and by May time, and were putting them to the ram for mating and the cycle starts again.”
“We’re on the cusp of Summer now, we’ve had an amazing Spring. Looking around everything is greener than it ordinarily should be. So December January February are our Summer months and we will actually be making provision for the Winter. So surplus grass will be being harvested, so we can then feed the animals during the lower growth periods in Winter.
It’s a time when the young lambs that have only just been born now. They grow and become adults. During the middle of Summer we take the ewes into the mountains, their happy place, and we take the junior (the teenager if you like) into the peaches and crème country where it’s the good green grass on the irrigation which is that flusher feed that they need to make them the best adult they can be.
When we get into March April, the feed starts to slow down and we bring the ewes back down off the mountain. Then the whole cycle starts again and by May time, and were putting them to the ram for mating and the cycle starts again.”