Lake Hawea Station Update.

An update from the Ross Family, owners of LHS.

"It's now in the middle of Summer here at Lake Hawea and that only means one thing. The station is full of cute new Spring-born lambs.

Baby lambs are like any young animal, they love to play and they need a lot of sleep! Merino lambs sleep on average around 10 hours per day and when they are sleepy, they will try to get as close to their mother as possible.

Some of our lambs need a little extra attention. When this happens, we bring them closer to the homestead and bottle feed them until they are ready to re-join their friends and family on the lush pasture.

They also LOVE to play with other lambs and are so inquisitive.

Merino lambs will fully explore their surroundings, nibble on all sorts of plants, run around with their friends and (of course) climb up to the highest nearby peaks.

Merino lambs are destined to be in the mountains, and at Lake Hawea Station they are surrounded by some of the best landscapes around."

"This season at Lake Hawea only means one thing. The station is full of cute new Spring-born lambs.

Baby lambs are like any young animal, they love to play and they need a lot of sleep! Merino lambs sleep on average around 10 hours per day and when they are sleepy, they will try to get as close to their mother as possible.

Some of our lambs need a little extra attention. When this happens, we bring them closer to the homestead and bottle feed them until they are ready to re-join their friends and family on the lush pasture.

They also LOVE to play with other lambs and are so inquisitive.

Merino lambs will fully explore their surroundings, nibble on all sorts of plants, run around with their friends and (of course) climb up to the highest nearby peaks.

Merino lambs are destined to be in the mountains, and at Lake Hawea Station they are surrounded by some of the best landscapes around."

"Merino lambs will fully explore their surroundings, nibble on all sorts of plants, run around with their friends and (of course) climb up to the highest nearby peaks."

"Merino lambs will fully explore their surroundings, nibble on all sorts of plants, run around with their friends and (of course) climb up to the highest nearby peaks."

Our (Animal)

Sheep are our partners in bringing our knits to life. So making sure they lead a happy existence is the least we can do.

Omarama Station
Seasonal Update.

A seasonal update delivered by Richard Subtil, owner of Omarama Station.